Thursday, March 8, 2007

Flying Golf Balls

Here I am poised in the 'ready to wack the ball position', (such technical terms) trying to look like I knew what I was doing when all hell breaks loose behind me.
There were screams of 'get out of it', 'scram', 'you mongrel', my automatic thought was there must be a child on the golf course, but NO it was 'Magpies'.
Apparantly they are a constant nuisance on the KI Golf Course and I found out a few minutes later when one of my fellow golfers (yes I know it's a bit cheeky calling myself a golfer!) lost her ball when a rather large Maggie swooped down and pinched it and flew off with it..........
What a great sight!
Mind you I did get told 'don't write home about this event, people will think we are mad on KI!!!!!!
The best part was the two golfers following behind us, got to see one of the lady golfers, acting like a bird flying off with a ball (as it was too noisy with the wind to shout and tell them what had happened to their lost ball). Some wonderful actors on KI.............which maybe means the Threatre production tonight will be good.

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